Veggian® Egg(less) for Bakery: our new bet for allergen-free plant-based bakery products

Veggian® Egg(less) for Bakery: our new bet for allergen-free plant-based bakery products
Eggs are the most widely consumed animal protein in the world, the laying hen market is at a turning point.

Eggs are the most consumed animal protein in the world, but the laying poultry market is at a turning point. In addition to the retailer’s demand to move away from cage production, the price of eggs has risen by 47% since the end of 2021 and the general inflationary environment. In this context, and in order to meet the needs of consumers who demand, on the one hand, an increase in the number of references on the plant-based shelf, and on the other, the development of products suitable for a percentage of the population with food intolerances and allergies at record highs, the accelerator FUDin by Ctic Cita has developed ‘Veggian® Egg(less) for Bakery’, ideal both for those who are looking for animal protein-free products on the shelves, and for those who need access to allergen-free products. The product, which comes in powder form, has emulsifying, binding and gelling properties.

“Traditional baking is based on four ingredients: wheat flour, milk, eggs and sugar. There are alternatives for gluten- and lactose-intolerant people, but until now, it was almost impossible for an egg-allergic person to enjoy one of these treats. We have developed an egg-free roe that can be used to make different pastry applications that retain the organoleptic properties of their egg-based counterparts,” explains Sebastián Martínez, culinologist in the New Product Development team at FUDin by Ctic Cita.

“This product, in the hands of an ingredient manufacturer, has brutal potential. Egg is the most frequent cause of food allergy in children, worldwide. The figures highlight the need to supply a specific demand for the product. If we add to this the fact that 42% of the world’s population states that they are increasing their consumption of vegetable protein, to the detriment of animal protein, we have achieved the same formula that works for two niche markets – in constant growth – with different purchasing motivations,” says Macarena Baylos, head of New Product Development at FUDin by Ctic Cita.

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